Due to many factors, including illness, disability, and issues with mobility, many senior citizens find themselves socially isolated. For this reason, many senior citizens benefit from end-of-life care. End-of-life care can also be a rewarding career for empathetic individuals who want to work with people, and it’s a field that will likely experience a significant […]
The LGBTQ+ community is large and made up of a diverse group of people, all with unique identities and from different backgrounds. However, rates of substance use and abuse are significantly higher across this population than in cisgender, heterosexual individuals. In fact, recent research exploring substance use trends in the LGBTQ+ community discovered that individuals […]
There are many reasons a mother may want to get a job, whether it be for financial freedom, gaining paid-vacation time, or gaining a sense of financial security. While getting a job may seem straightforward enough, it can be overwhelming for moms to find the right fit for their lifestyle. For instance, if their partner […]
Consider the following scenario: A senior Irish woman was hospitalized and scheduled to have surgery. Several days before the surgery, the woman told her family that she was experiencing extreme pain, but she didn’t say anything about this to her physician. The doctor, who was unaware that Irish culture typically minimizes expressions of pain, failed […]
Whether it’s from the passing of a spouse, little-to-no family members nearby, or lack of desire for human interaction, social isolation in seniors can take a great toll on their physical and mental health. This article will analyze and offer potential solutions to help address the potential problems associated with loneliness in older generations. Understanding […]
Looking for a job in a new field can be a lengthy and, at times, frustrating process. On average, it takes job seekers about five months to find a new position, but when you’re trying to switch industries altogether, it can easily take far longer. Between resume filtering systems that automatically reject your application and […]
With student debt on the rise, it should come as no surprise that many people are turning to careers that don’t require a college education, whether by choice or out of necessity. In many cases, the financial returns on a job that requires a background in higher education are not worth the investment. For perspective, […]