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CNA Certification In North Carolina

Becoming a nurse aide in North Carolina requires all the aspiring candidates to follow a specific procedure. The journey of obtaining CNA certification in North Carolina begins with enrolling in a program program regulated by the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). Then comes passing the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program (NNAAP) examination, which is monitored by the Pearson VUE group.

Requirements to Get Certified as a Nurse Aide in NC

To become a nurse aide in NC, you must fulfill the following eligibility criteria:

  • Complete a nurse aide program program approved by the North Carolina state.
  • Pass both the sections of the competency exam within 2 years of the program program completion date. You will be given 3 chances to clear the CNA exam. If you fail, you will be required to take the program course again and retest both the sections of the exam.

Out-of-State Certified Nursing Assistants

In order to get your name listed on the NC Nurse Aide Registry, an out-of-state CNA must fulfill any one of the following eligibility criteria:

  • Pass nurse aide program approved by the state.
  • Pass nursing assistant competency testing approved by NC.

Applying for CNA Licensure in NC

Click on the following link and login to apply for a CNA license online:

Read the below instructions to complete the process:

  • After logging in, you will be required to enter your social security number and name as mentioned on the ID.
  • Upon completion of your application, the scheduling procedure begins right away.
  • Keep the below details handy before you start the registration procedure online:
    • Current, valid email address. It can be your personal or business email address.
    • Eligibility route.
    • Code and completion date of your program program.
    • If you are applying for exams In-Facility, you will be required to enter your test date and test center number. If you don’t have this information, you can get it from your instructor.
    • Pay the appropriate fees using pre-paid credit card, credit card, or Pearson VUE electronic voucher. Master Card, Visa and American Express are accepted.

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How to Renew CNA Licensure in NC?

All certified nursing assistants working in North Carolina are required to renew their license in every 2 years. The NC Nurse Aide Registry mails a scannable renewal form to the eligible candidates approximately 3 months before the license expiry date. In order to qualify for license renewal, candidates must meet all the below requirements:

  • Work for pay.
  • Perform the duties of a nurse aide under the supervision of a registered nurse.
  • Worked for a minimum of 8 hours during the past 2 years.

You can download a duplicate renewal application if you have not received any renewal form using the below link:

Return the completed renewal application to the following address:

Center for Aide Regulation and Education
2709 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-2709You can also fax the application at (919) 733-9764.

Verify NC Nurse Aide Registry

Use the below link to search for a CNA in North Carolina:

Name and / or Address Change

The certified nursing assistant must report any changes in the name and / or address to the registry. If the candidate fails to inform the registry, it may delay the delivery of renewal notice. You may use any of the following ways to notify the registry about the change:

  • Using the Name/Address Change Reporting form. You can download it from the below link: filling the required details, submit the form using either way:

    • Fax: (919) 733-9764
    • U.S. Mail:
      Center for Aide Regulation and Education
      2709 Mail Service Center
      Raleigh, North Carolina – 27699-2709
  • If you are applying for an address change, you can also call the registry at: 919-855-3969.
  • In writing:For address change, include the following details
    • Name
    • Social Security Number (SSN)
    • New mailing address

    For name change, include the below information:

    • Previous name
    • Full new name
    • Mailing address
    • Phone number
    • SSN

If you are requesting a name change, you need to submit a legal document along with the application:

  • Copy of your new, signed social security card, which must show your new name.
  • Copy of any legal document such as divorce decree, marriage certificate, or legal resumption issued by the court.
    Note – A copy of the driver’s license is not accepted by the Board.


Question 1 – I’m planning to transfer my NC Nurse Aide license to another state. What is the procedure to transfer?

Answer – If you are planning to move from North Carolina, you must contact the state’s nurse aide registry you are moving to, in order to know the new state’s requirements.

Question 2 – How much time does it take to get your name listed in the state registry?

Answer – All the eligible nurse aides (those who have completed the CNA Program and passed both the sections of the competency exam) are generally listed on the registry within 2 to 5 business days after passing the exam.

Question 3 – What types of work can hinder my CNA license renewal?

Answer – The works that cannot be considered for renewing nurse aide license are as follow:

  • Work that is not done under the supervision of a registered nurse.
  • Worked less than 8 hours during the 2 years of listing period.
  • Volunteer work that does not pay you.
  • Sitter work.
  • Periods of orientation – where no tasks related to nursing are carried out.
  • Work that is not within the scope of a certified nursing assistant.
  • Work for which the registered nurse supervisor cannot support with facility records or written documentation, or by personal supervision on the date of employment.
  • Work dates on which the CNA has not actually worked, even if s/he was on payroll.